In Ireland, we understand the importance of providing foster children with the best quality care and support. The foster care allowance for 2023 is specifically allocated for the benefit of the foster child, aiming to cover the day-to-day expenses associated with their care. The standard fostering allowance, set by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, applies to children and young people aged 0 to 18 years.

Here is fostering Ireland payments for 2023 year:
The foster care allowance is currently €325 per week per child under 12 and €352 per week per child of twelve and over.
This allowance is also extended to overnight respite and emergency placements, recognizing the immediate needs that arise in certain situations. In cases where specific placements require additional resources, enhanced payments can be requested from Tusla Child and Family Agency.
In addition to the financial support, we strive to offer the best possible assistance to our foster carers. The agency provides comprehensive training programs and a wide range of support services to ensure that foster carers have the knowledge, skills, and resources to provide optimal care for the children and young people in their charge.
The foster care allowance is intended to cover various costs associated with fostering, including:
- Food
- Clothing and footwear
- Educational needs (such as grinds, uniforms, books, etc.)
- Personal care items and toiletries
- Hobbies and activities
- Games, treats, and toys
- Holidays and summer camps
- Pocket money
- Special occasions (such as birthdays and Christmas)
- Presents for the birth family of foster children
- Transport (for school, access trips, and appointments)
- Household costs
We also offer a Standard Aftercare Allowance for young people aged 18 to 21 who are in full-time education and still living with their foster family. Additionally, every child and young person in foster care is provided with a General Medical Card to ensure their healthcare needs are met. Foster carers who provide continuous care for a child or young person for a minimum of six months may have Child Benefit payments transferred to them.
It’s important to note that the foster care allowance does not affect tax or state benefits.
As per the Finance Bill 2005, the fostering allowance received from the agency is exempt from taxation and is not considered in the means test for social welfare payments. We recommend contacting your local Social Protection Department for confirmation regarding your specific circumstances. Tusla Child and Family Agency has a policy in place to ensure the appropriate use of the fostering allowance, further prioritizing the well-being of foster children.
At the agency, we are dedicated to supporting foster families and providing the best possible care for foster children. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you throughout your fostering journey.
Some children may only need temporary care for a few nights
When it comes to foster care, every child’s situation is unique and requires tailored support. Some children may only need temporary care for a few nights, while others require a stable and permanent family environment for weeks, months, or even years.
In Ireland, we offer a variety of foster placement types to ensure that the needs of each child are met with utmost care and flexibility.
Fostering a child in Ireland can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the foster family
Fostering provides a safe and stable home for children who are unable to live with their birth families, and it can be a lifeline for children who have experienced trauma or neglect. Let’s take a closer look at fostering in Ireland, including the process of becoming a foster parent, the types of children who need foster care, and the benefits of fostering.
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