Wednesday 20 March 2024

10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)

We’ve all been there: staring at a window smeared with streaks, feeling defeated. But fear not, fellow clean enthusiasts! Here are the 10 most common window cleaning mistakes (and how to avoid them) to achieve sparkling, streak-free windows:

  1. Skipping the Dust: You wouldn’t paint a dirty wall, so don’t clean a dusty window! Brush or vacuum window frames and sills before spraying to avoid spreading dust and creating a muddy mess.
  2. Paper Towel Blues: Ditch the paper towels! These can leave lint and scratches. Microfiber cloths are your new best friend, trapping dirt and grime for a flawless finish.
  3. Cleaning in the Sun: Direct sunlight dries cleaning solution too quickly, causing streaks. Opt for a cloudy day or clean windows in sections, keeping a shaded area to work with.
  4. The Wrong Cleaning Solution: Harsh chemicals can damage window frames and leave streaks. Stick to natural solutions like vinegar and water or a few drops of dish soap in warm water.
  5. Forgetting the Bucket (for big jobs): For multi-story homes or extensive cleaning, a bucket is your friend. Fill it with your cleaning solution and rinse water to avoid constant trips back and forth.
  6. Squeegee Misuse: A dirty or damaged squeegee blade will leave streaks. Use a squeegee with a clean, rubber blade and work from top to bottom, overlapping slightly and wiping the blade with your microfiber cloth after each pass.
  7. Neglecting the Buff: Spraying and wiping isn’t enough! Use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the window to a sparkling finish, removing any remaining residue.
  8. Cleaning a Large Area at Once: Tackle the window in sections to ensure even cleaning and prevent the solution from drying too quickly, leading to streaks.
  9. Forgetting the Microfiber Maintenance: These cloths trap dirt, but they need cleaning too! Wash your microfiber cloths regularly to maintain their effectiveness and prevent bacteria growth.
  10. Ignoring Stubborn Stains: For stuck-on grime, store-bought glass cleaner or a baking soda paste (mix baking soda with water) can be your savior. Apply gently, then rinse thoroughly.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following these simple tips, you’ll be a window cleaning pro in no time! Get ready for sparkling windows and a bright, clear view!

10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)
10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)

The post 10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!) appeared first on Rubbish Taxi.

from Rubbish Taxi

10 Easy Hacks for Sparkling Windows (and Ditching the Streaks!)

We all love the bright and airy feeling of sparkling windows, but cleaning them can feel like a chore. Streaks, ugh! Don’t worry, these 10 simple hacks will have your windows gleaming in no time: Bonus Tip: For stubborn stains, consider a store-bought glass cleaner or a baking soda paste (mix baking soda with water). […]

The post 10 Easy Hacks for Sparkling Windows (and Ditching the Streaks!) appeared first on Dublin Ireland.


Window Cleaning


Window Cleaning Woes? Conquering Streaks Like a Boss!

Hey clean freaks (and everyone who wants sparkling windows but hates the streaks!), listen up! We've all been there – staring at those cloudy panes, the cleaning solution bottle a silent battle cry in our hands. But fear not, my fellow window warriors! Today, we're ditching the frustration and embracing the pro tips that will have your windows gleaming like nobody's business.


First things first – gather your cleaning squad!

  • Microfiber Cloths: These are your BFFs! They trap dirt and grime in their magical woven texture, leaving your glass happy and streak-free.
  • Spray Bottle: Fill it with your favorite cleaning solution (DIY recipes coming up!).
  • Bucket (optional): For those tackling window empires (think high-rise apartments or multiple stories), a bucket is your friend for holding cleaning solution and rinse water.
  • Squeegee (optional): For an extra polished look, a squeegee with a rubber blade is the way to go!

Speaking of cleaning solutions, let's ditch the store-bought stuff (unless you gotta):

  • Vinegar Power: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in your spray bottle. This natural wonder cuts through grime and is gentle enough to cuddle with your precious windows.
  • Dish Soap Delight: A few drops of dish soap in warm water makes a sudsy solution perfect for windows that have seen better days (think splattered bird droppings or a rogue soccer ball incident).

Now, let's get down to cleaning business!

  1. Prepping is Key: We don't want dust bunnies joining the window party, so grab a brush or vacuum and give those window frames and sills some love.
  2. Section Power: Conquer those windows in bite-sized pieces! This ensures even cleaning and stops your solution from drying too fast (which = streaks, yuck!).
  3. Spray and Wipe: Mist your window generously with your cleaning solution of choice. Then, grab your trusty microfiber cloth (dry, please!) and wipe in a circular motion, banishing any dirt or grime in its path.
  4. Squeegee Magic (optional): Feeling fancy? Use a squeegee with a clean rubber blade to achieve a professional-looking finish. Work your way from top to bottom, using smooth strokes and overlapping slightly each time. Don't forget to wipe the squeegee blade with your microfiber cloth after each pass to avoid those dreaded streaks.
  5. Buff and Shine: Finally, take a dry microfiber cloth and buff that window to a crystal-clear shine!

Bonus Hacks for the Extra Cleaning Enthusiast:

  • Cloudy Day Cleaning: Direct sunlight can dry your cleaning solution too quickly, leading to streaks. Opt for a cloudy day, or clean your windows in sections, keeping a shaded area to work with.
  • Microfiber Maintenance: These cloths are little dirt magnets, so wash them regularly to keep them effective and bacteria-free.
  • Tough Stain Terminator: For those stubborn stuck-on messes, consider a store-bought glass cleaner or a paste made from baking soda and water. Apply gently with a soft cloth, then rinse thoroughly.

So there you have it! With these tips and a little elbow grease, cleaning your windows will become a satisfying task, leaving you with a sparkling view and a major sense of accomplishment. Now, go forth and conquer those window streaks!



Friday 15 March 2024

Finding Your Perfect Fit: A Comprehensive Guide to Kitchen Island Dimensions with Seating

Ah, the kitchen island – the heart of many a modern kitchen. It provides extra prep space, casual dining, and a social hub for entertaining. But before you dive headfirst into island dreams, there’s a crucial step: determining the perfect dimensions for your space. This guide explores everything you need to consider when sizing your kitchen island with seating, ensuring it complements your kitchen’s functionality and flow.

Step 1: Understanding Minimums and Maximums

  • Minimum Size: Kitchen islands shouldn’t be cramped. The industry standard suggests a minimum size of 2 feet by 4 feet. This allows for basic functionality without feeling like an obstacle course in your kitchen.
  • Maximum Size: While bigger can be better, there’s a limit. Experts recommend keeping your island’s total area under 10% of your kitchen’s total square footage. This ensures enough walking space and maintains a sense of openness in the room. For instance, if your kitchen is 150 square feet, your island shouldn’t exceed 15 square feet.
  • Island Height: This depends on whether you’ll incorporate seating. Kitchen islands without seating typically have a countertop height of 36 inches, aligning with standard counter height. However, islands with seating require a counter height of 42 inches to accommodate comfortable legroom for seated guests.

Pro Tip: Unsure about the ideal size? Here’s a clever trick! Place a table in your kitchen to represent the potential island’s footprint. Cut a cardboard piece to match the desired countertop size and tape it to the table. Use books or scrap wood to elevate it to the planned height. This simple mock-up allows you to visualize how the island will impact your kitchen’s layout and traffic flow.

Step 2: Ensuring Ample Clearance for Comfort

Imagine this: you’re whipping up a delicious meal, but navigating around the island feels like an Olympic sport. Not ideal! Here’s how to guarantee sufficient clearance for comfortable movement:

  • Walking Space Around the Island: The industry standard recommends 36 to 42 inches of walking space around the entire island perimeter. This allows people to move freely without bumping into cabinets, appliances, or the island itself.
  • Seating Clearance: Remember, the space behind chairs needs extra room to allow people to comfortably scoot in and out from under the counter. A minimum of 44 inches is recommended to avoid the awkward “挤 (jī)” (squeeze) maneuver behind seated guests.

Example: Let’s say your kitchen floor is 108 inches wide. To ensure proper walking space on both sides of the island, the island itself shouldn’t exceed 36 inches in width. This leaves 36 inches of comfortable walking space on either side.

Step 3: Optimizing Seating and Working Space

Now that you’ve got the overall island dimensions figured out, let’s delve into the details of seating and working areas:

  • Seating Space: A common rule of thumb is to allocate 24 inches of linear counter space per person sitting at the island. So, a 48-inch wide countertop can comfortably accommodate two people.
  • Knee Space: For comfortable legroom beneath the counter, plan for 15 inches of knee space for 36-inch tall counters and 12 inches for 42-inch tall counters.
  • Working Space: Don’t forget about dedicated work zones around your sink and cooktop (if your island will include them). For example, a sink needs at least 18 inches of working space on at least one side, while a cooktop needs 15 inches on one side, 12 inches on the other, and 9 inches behind it.

Step 4: Maintaining an Efficient Kitchen Triangle

The kitchen triangle refers to the three key work zones in a kitchen: the refrigerator, the sink, and the cooktop. Ideally, these zones should be arranged in a triangle to promote efficient movement and workflow.

  • Kitchen Triangle and Your Island: If your island won’t have a cooktop or sink, ensure it doesn’t disrupt the existing kitchen triangle by protruding more than 12 inches. However, if you plan to relocate the sink or cooktop to the island, carefully consider how it integrates with the overall kitchen triangle for optimal efficiency.

Additional Considerations:

Beyond the core dimensions, remember these important aspects to complete your dream island:

  • Lighting: Adequate lighting is essential for both task (food prep) and ambiance. Recessed lights, track lighting, and pendant lights are popular options.
Dimensions for best size for a kitchen island
Dimensions for best size for a kitchen island

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The post Finding Your Perfect Fit: A Comprehensive Guide to Kitchen Island Dimensions with Seating appeared first on Dublin Ireland.


Optimizing Seating and Working Space


Optimizing Seating and Working Space

Now that you’ve got the overall island dimensions figured out, let’s delve into the details of seating and working areas:

  • Seating Space: A common rule of thumb is to allocate 24 inches of linear counter space per person sitting at the island. So, a 48-inch wide countertop can comfortably accommodate two people.
  • Knee Space: For comfortable legroom beneath the counter, plan for 15 inches of knee space for 36-inch tall counters and 12 inches for 42-inch tall counters.
  • Working Space: Don’t forget about dedicated work zones around your sink and cooktop (if your island will include them). For example, a sink needs at least 18 inches of working space on at least one side, while a cooktop needs 15 inches on one side, 12 inches on the other, and 9 inches behind it.

Ah, the kitchen island – the heart of many a modern kitchen. It provides extra prep space, casual dining, and a social hub for entertaining. But before you dive headfirst into island dreams, there’s a crucial step: determining the perfect dimensions for your space. This guide explores everything you need to consider when sizing your kitchen island with seating, ensuring it complements your kitchen’s functionality and flow.

Additional Considerations:

Beyond the core dimensions, remember these important aspects to complete your dream island:

  • Lighting: Adequate lighting is essential for both task (food prep) and ambiance. Recessed lights, track lighting, and pendant lights are popular options.
Dimensions for best size for a kitchen island
Dimensions for best size for a kitchen island

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Why Build a Kitchen Island?


Why Build a Kitchen Island?

First, islands work. Because they can be accessed from all sides like the old kitchen table, they’re ideal for a variety of kitchen tasks.

Second, these freestanding pieces instantly become the focal point of a kitchen because they can have the look and feel of furniture rather than components in a domestic laboratory.

Third, a well-designed island offers a place for people to congregate while at the same time separating those who are cooking and cleaning from those who are just hanging out.

Styles for Kitchen Islands

  • Disappearing style

You can make an island nearly disappear to anyone not working in the kitchen by extending the “public” face of the island 4 to 6 inches above the countertop and covering it in the same surface material as the rest of the interior walls.

  • Mimicking style

Kitchen islands that mimic the rest of the room, typically by using cabinets in the same finish and from the same manufacturer, don’t call attention to themselves.

Luxury Kitchens DublinDimensions of Kitchen islands

At minimum, an island should be 

  • 4 feet long (1.2 meters) 
  • little more than 2 feet deep (60 centimeters). 

But on top of that it must also have room for people to move and work around it. 

So, unless your kitchen is at least 8 feet deep and more than 12 feet long, don’t even think about an island.

Counter Height

Dual-height islands have a number of advantages. They can create informal eating areas, hide dirty dishes, protect noncooks from splashes and splatters, and make kitchens more interesting. 

Here are the dimensions that make them most comfortable, useful, and pleasing.

The height of your island’s eating area dictates the type of seating you’ll have: 

  • A 28- to 30-inch-high counter works best with a chair; 
  • a standard-height 36-inch (0.91 meters) counter is served best by a low stool; 
  • and a 42 (1.06 meters) – to 48-inch (1.22 meters) counter requires a bar stool.
Luxury Kitchens Dublin

Storage Space

  • You can gain valuable real estate on both the “working” side and the “public” side of an island for storage, always a critical need in kitchens.
  • On the public side, take advantage of shallow cabinets for serving items—napkins, cutlery, platters, etc.
  • On the working side, make sure there’s room to store the things that are needed for the activity the island supports, because an island’s strong suit is also its biggest downfall: It’s isolated. If it’s a cooking island, then pots, pans, and spices should be at hand.
  • The space under cooktops is great for deep drawers for pots and pans.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Mattress disposal Porterstown, Dublin 15



You will be delighted to know that your disposal problems will be instantly resolved. Everything will be efficiently handled for you, from start to finish. Get your office in Porterstown cleared in no time. It doesn’t matter if you have several floors of office space or just one cubicle that needs clearing, we can help haul your junk away. If you’d like more comfort before you book – please, give us a call to talk it through. Alternatively, send us some photos of your junk.

Here is a list of services we offer to our clients when they ask for junk removal Dublin 15 from Rubbish Taxi:

  • lofts & attic spaces clearance;
  • table disposal;
  • sheds clearance;
  • household clearance;
  • conservatory clearance;
  • outhouses clearance;
  • kids toys disposal;
  • mattress disposal;
  • bikes disposal;
  • sofa disposal;
  • general waste removal;
  • kitchen clearance;
  • basements clearance;
  • living room clearance;
  • gardens clearance;
  • fridges and radiators disposal;
  • bed disposal.

The list does not end here! Feel free to contact our office and we will be more than happy to assist you with all rubbish removal help that you looking for in Dublin 15.



Wednesday 13 March 2024

Don’t Toss It, Transform It: A Comprehensive Guide to Mattress Recycling in Dublin

Disposing of a mattress can feel like a heavyweight dilemma. Landfills are overflowing, traditional disposal fees are hefty, and the bulky size adds another layer of frustration. But fret no more, Dublin residents! There’s a sustainable solution waiting for your worn-out mattress. This comprehensive guide explores the world of mattress recycling in Dublin, empowering you to discard your old sleep surface with an eco-conscious heart.

Unveiling the Benefits of Mattress Recycling

Landfills are groaning under the weight of discarded mattresses, taking centuries to decompose and releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. Mattress recycling tackles this issue head-on by diverting waste from landfills and promoting a more sustainable future. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits:

  • Environmental Champion: Landfills are overflowing with mattresses, and traditional disposal methods contribute to this growing problem. Mattress recycling combats this by diverting waste from landfills, reducing reliance on these overflowing dumpsites. This not only saves precious space but also prevents the release of harmful chemicals that can contaminate soil and water.
  • Resource Recovery Powerhouse: Mattresses are a treasure trove of recyclable materials! Through the magic of mattress recycling, components like metal springs, flame retardant barriers, various foam layers, and even the fabric covering are meticulously separated. These components are then given a second life, being reused in various industries. This reduces reliance on virgin materials, lowers our carbon footprint, and promotes a circular economy where resources are constantly kept in use.

Unveiling Your Mattress Recycling Options in Dublin

The good news is, Dublin offers multiple paths to responsible mattress disposal. Here are the top contenders:

  • Eco Mattress Recycling: A Social Enterprise with a Mission: This innovative social enterprise takes mattress collection to your doorstep, operating across all of Dublin. Their mission extends far beyond simple recycling. They meticulously deconstruct each mattress, ensuring all parts are responsibly recycled. But their impact goes even deeper. Eco Mattress Recycling prioritizes job creation and social inclusion, providing valuable training and employment opportunities within the Dublin community. It’s a win-win for the environment and society!
  • Rubbish Taxi: Convenient and Eco-Friendly Removal: Rubbish Taxi, a reputable waste management company in Dublin, offers mattress collection and recycling services. Our rubbish removal company boasts a prompt and efficient service, removing your mattress from your home and ensuring it’s responsibly recycled. Our eco-friendly practices align with Dublin’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Dublin City Council Recycling Centres: A Potential Option: While not always offering dedicated mattress recycling programs, some Dublin City Council recycling centres might accept mattresses for a fee. However, this option requires some legwork. Contact your local recycling centre directly to confirm their mattress disposal policy and any associated fees. They might have specific requirements regarding mattress condition or require disassembly beforehand.

Important Considerations Before You Recycle:

  • Collection Fees: Keep in mind that all three options – Eco Mattress Recycling, Rubbish Taxi, and Dublin City Council recycling centres – may have associated collection or disposal fees. Be sure to inquire about pricing before booking a collection or heading to your local centre.
  • Mattress Condition: While most recycling programs accept mattresses in various states, heavily soiled or moldy mattresses might require special handling. Contact your chosen recycler for specific guidelines on mattress condition and any preparation steps you might need to take.
When is the time to dispose a mattress and buy a new one
When is the time to dispose a mattress and buy a new one

Embrace a Greener Future with Mattress Recycling

By choosing mattress recycling in Dublin, you’re not just discarding an old mattress; you’re actively contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for our city. You’ll be diverting waste from overflowing landfills, promoting resource recovery, and potentially supporting a social enterprise that empowers the local community. So, the next time your mattress reaches retirement age, don’t send it off to a landfill slumber. Embrace the power of mattress recycling and give your old sleep surface a chance to be transformed into something new!

The post Don’t Toss It, Transform It: A Comprehensive Guide to Mattress Recycling in Dublin appeared first on Rubbish Taxi.

from Rubbish Taxi

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Man with a van junk removal Dublin


Are you looking for a man with van junk removal in Ballymount? The process of loading and removing waste from your home or business can be both costly and cumbersome. Our goal is to streamline this by providing a comprehensive waste removal service. Whether you need mattress disposal, household clearance, bikes disposal, kids toys disposal, basements clearance or living room clearance, we’re here to assist. We work in Dublin 12 and handle all the waste collection services in a professional and environment friendly manner.


We’re Ballymount and the Ireland largest man and van rubbish removal company and are the leading domestic waste disposal service in Dublin. We ensure all our customers receive first class domestic waste clearance at affordable prices throughout Dublin 12 area. Remember, Rubbish Taxi offers significant savings in domestic waste collection! We save most of our business clients between 10% and 15% of their current waste removal cost.

  Man with a van junk removal Dublin

Alarm clocks electrical Recycling and Rubbish Removal

Don’t Toss It, Recycle It: Alarm Clocks and Electronic Waste in Ireland

Used to waking up to the blaring of your trusty alarm clock? When it finally decides to take a permanent nap, don’t send it straight to the bin! Here’s why and how to responsibly recycle your old alarm clock, along with other electrical equipment, in Ireland:

Why Recycle E-Waste?

Disposing of electrical waste, or e-waste, like your alarm clock, alongside regular rubbish can harm the environment. E-waste often contains hazardous materials that can leak into the soil and water, posing risks to human health and wildlife.

Recycling e-waste offers a solution:

  • Resource Recovery: Valuable materials like plastics, metals, and glass are extracted and used in new products, reducing our reliance on virgin resources.
  • Safer Disposal: Hazardous materials are handled and disposed of responsibly in dedicated facilities, minimizing environmental damage.

Where to Recycle E-Waste in Ireland?

1. Local Authority Recycling Centres (Free):

This is the most convenient and eco-friendly way to recycle your alarm clock and other e-waste in Ireland. Simply visit your local civic amenity site and look for the designated e-waste collection area. They accept a wide range of electrical and electronic items, including:

  • Small appliances: Alarm clocks, radios, toasters, kettles, etc.
  • Large appliances: TVs, fridges, washing machines, etc.
  • Information technology and telecommunications equipment: Computers, laptops, phones, tablets, etc.
  • Consumer equipment: Power tools, lawnmowers, electric toys, etc.
  • Lighting equipment: Fluorescent lamps, light bulbs (including those from your alarm clock).

2. Participating Electrical Retailers (Free):

Many electrical retailers in Ireland offer free e-waste take-back programs. You can usually drop off your old alarm clock, even if you’re not buying anything new. Check with your local electronics store to see if they participate in this program

Read more about How to Recycling electric Air fresheners, recycle kitchen cabinets and Air fresheners aerosol Recycling and Rubbish Removal.


  • Always remove any batteries from your alarm clock before recycling and dispose of them separately at designated battery collection points.
  • Check with your local authority or chosen retailer for any specific guidelines or limitations regarding e-waste acceptance.

By choosing to recycle your alarm clock and other e-waste responsibly, you’re contributing to a greener Ireland and protecting the environment for future generations.

The post Alarm clocks electrical Recycling and Rubbish Removal appeared first on Rubbish Taxi.

from Rubbish Taxi

Air fresheners electric Recycling and Rubbish Removal

Aerosol Disposal in Ireland: What You Need to Know

What are aerosols?

Aerosol cans are pressurized containers that dispense a product, often in a fine mist. These include items like:

  • Deodorant
  • Hairspray
  • Air freshener
  • Bug spray
  • Paint spray

Where to dispose of aerosols in Ireland:

1. Civic Amenity Sites (Recommended):

The most recommended way to dispose of aerosol cans in Ireland is to bring them to your local civic amenity site. These sites are specifically equipped to handle hazardous waste, including aerosols.

2. General Waste Bin (Last Resort):

If bringing your aerosols to a civic amenity site is not an option, only as a last resort, you may place them in your general waste bin. However, this is the least preferred method due to the potential environmental hazards associated with aerosols.

3. Bring Banks (Limited Availability):

In some areas of Ireland, bring banks may accept tins and cans. If and only if your local bring bank accepts aerosols, you can remove the lids and place the empty cans in the designated bin. Always check with your local authority to see if this option is available in your area.

Important Reminders:

  • Always empty the aerosol can completely before disposal.
  • Never crush, puncture, or burn the can.
  • Never remove the nozzle even if it’s made of plastic.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the safe and responsible disposal of aerosols in Ireland. Remember, civic amenity sites are your best option, and general waste disposal should only be considered as a last resort.

Additional Tips:

  • Check your local authority’s website for specific information on aerosol disposal in your area.
  • If you’re unsure how to dispose of a specific type of aerosol can, contact your local recycling center for guidance.
  • By disposing of aerosols responsibly, you can contribute to a cleaner and safer environment for everyone in Ireland.
Aerosol Disposal in Ireland: What You Need to Know

Read more about How to recycle kitchen cabinets and Air fresheners aerosol Recycling and Rubbish Removal.

The post Air fresheners electric Recycling and Rubbish Removal appeared first on Rubbish Taxi.

from Rubbish Taxi