Wednesday 20 March 2024

10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)

We’ve all been there: staring at a window smeared with streaks, feeling defeated. But fear not, fellow clean enthusiasts! Here are the 10 most common window cleaning mistakes (and how to avoid them) to achieve sparkling, streak-free windows:

  1. Skipping the Dust: You wouldn’t paint a dirty wall, so don’t clean a dusty window! Brush or vacuum window frames and sills before spraying to avoid spreading dust and creating a muddy mess.
  2. Paper Towel Blues: Ditch the paper towels! These can leave lint and scratches. Microfiber cloths are your new best friend, trapping dirt and grime for a flawless finish.
  3. Cleaning in the Sun: Direct sunlight dries cleaning solution too quickly, causing streaks. Opt for a cloudy day or clean windows in sections, keeping a shaded area to work with.
  4. The Wrong Cleaning Solution: Harsh chemicals can damage window frames and leave streaks. Stick to natural solutions like vinegar and water or a few drops of dish soap in warm water.
  5. Forgetting the Bucket (for big jobs): For multi-story homes or extensive cleaning, a bucket is your friend. Fill it with your cleaning solution and rinse water to avoid constant trips back and forth.
  6. Squeegee Misuse: A dirty or damaged squeegee blade will leave streaks. Use a squeegee with a clean, rubber blade and work from top to bottom, overlapping slightly and wiping the blade with your microfiber cloth after each pass.
  7. Neglecting the Buff: Spraying and wiping isn’t enough! Use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the window to a sparkling finish, removing any remaining residue.
  8. Cleaning a Large Area at Once: Tackle the window in sections to ensure even cleaning and prevent the solution from drying too quickly, leading to streaks.
  9. Forgetting the Microfiber Maintenance: These cloths trap dirt, but they need cleaning too! Wash your microfiber cloths regularly to maintain their effectiveness and prevent bacteria growth.
  10. Ignoring Stubborn Stains: For stuck-on grime, store-bought glass cleaner or a baking soda paste (mix baking soda with water) can be your savior. Apply gently, then rinse thoroughly.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following these simple tips, you’ll be a window cleaning pro in no time! Get ready for sparkling windows and a bright, clear view!

10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)
10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)

The post 10 Window Cleaning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!) appeared first on Rubbish Taxi.

from Rubbish Taxi

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