Sunday, 5 March 2023

Guide to Waste Management in Ireland


Tips for managing your waste, and how to ensure you're using a licensed waste collector.

These are the three most important things you should remember

  • By only buying the items you will use, you can reduce your spending.
  • Reuse whenever possible. Use refills, and think second-hand
  • Don't buy anything that can't be recycled and recycle as much as you can

Didn't you know?

* A single plastic drink bottle can power 25 minutes of computer operation.

* Plastic recycling saves twice the energy of burning it in an open fire.

* You can return plastic carrier bags to certain supermarkets for recycling.

* All recyclable materials should be placed in a recycling bin unbagged.

For an adult fleece jacket, 25 2-litre plastic bottles are required.

How do I manage my waste?

Step 1

  • Employ a waste contractor. It is important to verify that your refuse handling company is authorized.
  • The householder remains responsible until the authorized collector collects the waste. You, the householder are responsible for any waste that is left out, blows around, or is attacked or bitten by birds/dogs.
  • Beware of fraudulent collectors

Step 2

Before engaging any waste collector, householders should ask some questions. This could be for kerbside collection of household waste, bags to discarded clothing, furniture or soil, etc.

  • What is the Waste Collection Permit number? Can I get it? Every permit will include a reference number that starts at NWCPO or WCO–WW. You should not use them if they are unable to prove it. You could be violating the law.
  • What are the charges? How will they be applied to me? The weight of household waste collected has been changed in recent years.
  • What recycling is included in this program?

Step 3

The law now requires waste collectors to offer a brown trash bin service for food scraps.

A composter can be purchased for your backyard and you can reuse the organic waste. A third of your waste can easily be composted, and you can safely dispose of it in your backyard garden. You can compost all your vegetable and raw fruit waste, as well as grass cuttings or weed trimmings, at home.

Step 4

Decide how to dispose of your recyclables. While a waste contractor can provide a recycling collection service at your home, they may not be able to take all of the items. Designate a place in the garage, shed, or home to store your recycling. Recycling means that materials are recycled and must be in good order to be reused again.

Step 5

Be sure to dispose of hazardous materials properly and store them safely. Keep an eye out to see when the next hazardous waste collection is advertised.

Step 6

To prevent damage to your environment or the environment of others, it is important that you properly dispose of waste.

Waste Framework Directive

The Waste Framework Directive defines waste and outlines its basic requirements. It requires that EU member state:

  • Make sure that there is no risk to water and air as well as soil and plants from the disposal or recovery of waste.
  • It is against the law to allow waste disposal to cause nuisances through noise or unpleasant odours and to degrade areas of special natural interests.
  • Stop the uncontrolled or illegal disposal of waste
  • Set up a network of waste disposal plants that is integrated and efficient, create waste management plans, ensure proper waste handling by those who store it, and make sure that all waste treatment operations are licensed
  • Require special authorization for waste collectors and the keeping of records
  • Inspections of waste disposal and collection companies
  • Perform periodic inspections

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